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Heights, conquered by the specialists of the Grodno region
The Ministry of agriculture and food of the Republic of Belarus of 27 December 2017 was held a Republican contest of skill among workers on artificial insemination of animals. The event gathered the best specialists of the Republic of Belarus in the field of artificial insemination.

The Winners
The Participants competed in four nominations: "the Best regional group on artificial insemination", "Best link of the artificial insemination of animals", "Best operator on artificial insemination of cattle" and "Best operator on artificial insemination of swine."
Grodno region, the competition was represented by the regional group on artificial insemination of farm animals in the composition of main livestock-breeder TSSG Grodno region the company "Grodno plempredpriyatie" Michalinos Ekaterina Alexandrovna and lead veterinarian-gynecologist GU "Grodno regional veterinary station" Tug of Vyacheslav Mechislavovich; link artificial insemination was provided by the experts rsup "Olekshitsy" berestovitsky district as part of the breeder-breeder Zdanovich Erica Iosifovna, the operator of artificial insemination of Eismont Jan Matusevich and veterinarian-gynecologist Barmouth Mikhail Gennadievich; the operator on artificial insemination of cattle Zhamoytin Alexander SPK "Svisloch" of the Grodno district; the artificial insemination of pigs, PK named after V. I. Kremko Grodno region Skopinov Alla Ivanovna.
According to the results of competitions the specialists of the Grodno region took three first places in the nominations: "the Best regional group on artificial insemination", "Best link of the artificial insemination of animals" and "Best operator on artificial insemination of cattle" and one second place in the nomination "the Best operator on artificial insemination of pigs" is the best result among all regions of the Republic. In addition, the diploma of the Presidium of the Republican Committee of Belarusian trade Union of workers of agro-industrial complex, for long-term conscientious work, high professionalism when carrying out their duties and significant contributions to the development of the livestock sector, was awarded Skopinov Alla operator on artificial insemination of pigs, PK named after V. I. Kremko who have worked in agriculture for 40 years.
Congratulations winners!