
Meat breed of sheep, their characteristics and photo

Domestic sheep from time immemorial has been an important part of human life support. Wool, milk, fat, and finally, meat. Lamb, along with beef and pork, is very popular in the cuisine of different peoples of the world, and the meat breed sheep provide maximum productivity at minimum cost.

meat sheep

Meat breed sheep

Common features and differences of the meat breeds of sheep

Meat breed of sheep in the first place is characterized by rapid weight gain. Four-month-old lambs weigh at least half of an adult animal. The average gain, depending on the way the content is from 300 g To the age of one year, there is a certified weight, it is 80-90% of the average adult sheep.

In the meat breeds can be divided into several groups. For example, meat-fat or fat-tailed, widely spread in the arid conditions of Asia. Typical representatives of Hissar and Edilbaevskoy breed of sheep.

Another group meat and wool, which are the best Russian breeds, such as Romanov, Gorky, Kujjbyshevskoe sheep.

Every meat breed its own distinctive features. But there are common characteristics:

  • Strong physique with well-developed muscle mass.
  • Thin bones.
  • thin Skin with a thick layer of subcutaneous fat, which increases, regardless of the season.
  • High output of meat products.
  • Fertility with rapid maturing.
  • Simplicity. The possibility of year-round grazing.
  • healthy immune system.
  • Endurance.

Sheep, even a meat breed, high milk. Young suckling is growing rapidly. The mortality rate is minimal.

Best Russian breed of meat sheep

Sheep breeding in Russia has a long history. In addition to selection achievements of Soviet breeding farms, such as Kuibyshev, Gorky and the North Caucasus, obtained with the active infusion of the European gene pool, were able to preserve the more ancient, for example, Romanov.

Romanovskaya breed

Meat and wool option. Fecundity reaches 300%, maturity. If we talk about meat sheep breed in Russia, then you should start with the Romanovs. Bred more than 2 centuries ago, they have excellent productivity.

Sheep prolific. The average fertility in livestock is bright often reach 300%, while during the two-year period in sheep can be up to 3 lambing we. The lambs are growing rapidly, in 6-7 months they weigh 30-35 kg. Weight of adult sheep is in the range of 100 kg. Females are half that size.


the Romanov breed of sheep

Sheep have a strong Constitution and strong bones. Characteristic exterior features of the Romanov meat breed – comolete and the humped profile of the head. In breeding unpretentious, quickly adapt to different climatic conditions.

Gorky breed

In the thirties of the XX century with the help of crossing breeding with the native Hampshire homemade Soviet sheep breeders managed to Gorky beef breeds with coarse short hair and high productivity. Due to the light boning and the rapid growth of muscle and ruggedness, stamina and good immunity is widespread.


Gorky breed of sheep

Fertility does not exceed 140%. Gain reach to 220 In 4 months lamb weighs approximately 30 kg Adult sheep can reach up to 110 kg, and sheep – up to 80 kg.

Romney marsh (Kuibyshev) breed

The famous British Romney marsh, which passed through the local adaptation and crossbreeding with native sheep, is characterized by high precocity and fecundity. Officially it is registered as Kuibyshev breed of sheep.

All sheep hornless head. A short tail. A good body and the elongated body.


Kuibyshev breed of sheep

The average weight of sheep of about 100 kg, sheep – 70 kg. However, intensive fattening, you can get better results by 150 and 90 kg, respectively. Lambs weigh about 30 kg in 4 months. Given the possibility of year-round grazing of sheep of the Kuibyshev breed ready for slaughter approximately one year of age.

North Caucasian breed

No less famous than Romanovskaya, North Caucasian breed of sheep. It was developed using as the basis of Stavropol sheep. To increase their meat characteristics of sheep crossed with Romney marsh and Lincoln. The result is adapted to the climatic conditions of southern Russia and Northern Caucasus meat breed. The excellent productive characteristics do not interfere to polotence fleece.

North Caucasian breed is averaging 120 kg, the female is almost twice less – only 65 kg. in weight control 4 month lambs show up to 33 kg.

North Caucasus

North Caucasian breed of sheep

Exterior is typical for beef breeds: good body, powerful chest, curvy hips.

breed of sheep, bred in the neighboring countries

Sheep breeds of the near abroad is no less diversity. However, if Central Asia has long been favored fat-tailed sheep, that in Eastern Europe the emphasis was on meat and wool direction.

Latvian dark-headed

In the beginning of XX century by crossing Oxfordshire, Shropshire and local, indigenous sheep were obtained Latvian dark-headed sheep. In the name of meat-wool sheep reflects two features: the removal site and the most striking feature of the exterior. White hornless sheep are completely black face markings and ears. In addition they have dark legs.

Latvian dark-headed

Latvian dark-headed breed sheep

Adult sheep weighs about 100 kg, sheep – not more than 55 kg. Lambs are born small, up to 4 kg. weight Gain is about 300 g. Therefore, by the 10th month they can score. Live weight reaches 45 kg.


Meat sheep, which brought in Kazakhstan in the XIX century, the harsh climate, high production performance and are ideal for grazing with meager feed and rapid changes in temperature.


Edilbaevskoy breed of sheep

Edilbaevskoy breed belongs to meat-fat. Rams reach an average 120 kg and females 70 kg. With the major representatives of edilbaevskoy sheep can weigh 160 and 120 kg, respectively. For 4 months the lambs fatten up to 45 kg live weight.


Sheep and sheep of Gissar breeds have endurance and great weight. While animals are meat-fat. The release of the fat comes to 45 kg, weight of an adult sheep up to 140 kg and females 80 kg. was Recorded Champions, which weighed up to 190 and 120 kg, respectively.


the Hissar breed sheep

Sheep and sheep of Gissar breeds are grown in the Central Asian region. Thanks to the powerful physique and the strong backbone of the herd make real forced marches in search of pasture, up to 500 km. This does not affect average daily gain. They reach 600 g. of the Hissar breed Holsteins high-milk, the females give about 130 kg of milk for 2 months. The lambs suckling up to 50 kg.

Foreign breeds of sheep

Abroad meat breed of sheep, often numbering several centuries of selective breeding and systematic selection. For Example, Texel. Other officially registered only in the last century, but has already shown great results and are widely used as improvers of the meat characteristics of other varieties.


South African breed of sheep is exclusively Dorper meat, as animals are hairless: fleece they have a short growing unevenly. The lamb has excellent characteristics: soft, non-greasy, no unpleasant taste and peculiar smell.

The rams reaches about 140 kg, the female is considerably smaller, its weight does not exceed 95 kg Average daily gain of lambs up to 70 g, due to a 4 months weight is 65 kg, while at birth it does not exceed 5.5 kg.


Dorper breed of sheep

Doceri highly productive due to the precocity and mnogoplodnaya. Puberty begins with 7 months in the first breeding season, often there is only one lamb, then their number increased to 2-3, while housemate gives a year for two offspring.

Petit breed

Well-known gourmets, the French, not paid attention to the breeding of sheep. One of the oldest in Europe, these dogs breed is lean mutton, thin and even "marble" veins and delicate aroma.

Unpretentious, hardy animals, thanks to thick wool perfectly adapted to the harsh climatic conditions, excellent gaining weight on pasture.


Petit breed of sheep

The rate of fertility comes to 190%. Sheep are quite large, up to 150 kg. of the Uterus less – up to 110 kg. the Lambs are born weighing up to 6 kg, and in 4 months weigh up to 60 kg, with an average daily gain of 450 g.


Tender, lean meat with an unrivalled sweet flavour and pleasant aroma can be obtained from sheep Zwartsluis. Dutch meat breed managed to conquer the world through endurance and thick wool.


Zwartsluis breed of sheep

Breeding ewes have a high – up to 235% fertility. Depending on the number of lambs in a litter, at birth, they weigh from 2.5 to 5.5 kg. Despite this, average body mass with age, is leveled and by 4 months they weigh up to 45 kg Average daily gain – from 400 g Sheep Zwartsluis dials up to 130 kg, females do not exceed 100 kg.


Dutch sheep breed Texel have a long history: they are bred from the XVIII century the Main characteristics of the lamb – "marbling" and delicate taste, without peculiar smell and taste of fat.

Newborn lambs weigh up to 7 kg. For females characteristic mnogoplanovost and high yield. The average fertility in the herd – 140-230%. Already in the 4 months lambs gaining up to 60 kg and 9 to 102 kg. Adult males Texel weigh up to 130 kg. Females are slightly behind, but not critical, they weigh up to 125 kg depending on the conditions of fattening.


Texel breed of sheep

Meat breed, the Texel is ruggedness, endurance, good immunity and high adaptive abilities. Prefer open pastures.


French breed of sheep of Prekos bred all over the world. Strong animals with a barrel-shaped body and massive thighs for their rapid growth, easy maintenance, high fecundity and immunity.


the Prekos breed of sheep

Lambs are born quite large – up to 5 kg, within four months, their weight increases to 35 kg To slaughtering sheep Prekos ready at age one. The output of mutton to 55 kg Adult RAM of up to 130 kg, Females less than half, and weight 67 kg.

Barbados black-bellied

Short-tailed and short (2-3 cm) hornless animals. We live in a cold climate instances grows the undercoat that sheds in the spring. The coat is dark red, with black markings, the males neck and chest forms a mane. Weight 40-90 sheep, ewes – 34 to 60 kg.

Barbados black-bellied

the Barbados black bellied sheep

Fertility from 145 to 230 percent. Output from slaughter – 53%, meat diet, without lanolin.

Fletcher horned

Comes from Britain. Large size, both sexes grow horns. Matures in 7-10 month. Adult males weigh 100-140, and females 70-90 pounds. Fertility first year is 110-130%, then 140-180. At slaughter, the net yield is 50-55%.

Horny Fletcher

Fletcher horned

In conclusion

Sheep attractive in the first place the possibility of grazing sheep. The low cost of feed, high production output allow to obtain significant economic benefits with minimal investment, costs of breeding livestock.